School lunch suppliers to lose half their business under new model

School lunch suppliers to lose half their business under new model
Suppliers for the free school lunches programme will lose big business under a new model. (Image: NZME)
Cécile Meier
School lunch suppliers will lose half of their business under a new model, according to new information released Thursday. Associate education minister David Seymour this month announced a new model for the Ka Ora, Ka Ako programme, which will save $107 million a year by ordering food in bulk for students in year seven and above. Schools will order food in bulk from a central source to store, prepare and distribute to those students, instead of receiving cooked lunches from suppliers, or cooking lunches on-site."We anticipate thi...

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1,600 jobs will go in scaling back school lunches, officials warn

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Cécile Meier 12 Jun 2024