Generation restriction risks raising power prices, regulator told

Generation restriction risks raising power prices, regulator told
Gavin Evans
Preventing electricity generators running their plants to avoid constraining parts of the national grid could raise prices to consumers and reduce competition in parts of the country, the Electricity Authority has been told. The regulator’s investigation of power pricing during South Island flooding last year assumed North Island prices would have been lower if Meridian Energy hadn’t priced its output to avoid constraining the high-voltage link to the North Island, energy market consultant Neil Walbran said. But that assumption is at odds...

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Tonkin and Taylor announce Vanessa Stoddart as chair

Tonkin and Taylor announce Vanessa Stoddart as chair

Stoddard is a director of the Channel Infrastructure board.

Arise Winston, minister of railways
Policy Analysis

Arise Winston, minister of railways

The NZ First leader has regained ministerial oversight over KiwiRail.

Govt unveils ferry plans

Govt unveils ferry plans

NZ will get two new ferries, which are expected to start operations in 2029.

Oliver Lewis 11 Dec 2024