Quote Unquote: The best of My Net Worth from the past year

Quote Unquote: The best of My Net Worth from the past year
(Image: Depositphotos)
Ella Somers
Welcome to the most memorable quotes and advice from BusinessDesk’s My Net Worth series in 2023. We’ve combed through all our revealing conversations with New Zealand’s top business and legal minds and chosen the standout thoughts. In my view, good businesses are good at business. And that's why they become good businesses. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, business is about relationships and about how you can form partnerships with groups or individuals that can help you or help their business go forw...

More My Net Worth

My Net Worth: Frances Shoemack, Abel fragrances
The Life

My Net Worth: Frances Shoemack, Abel fragrances

If it hadn't been a horrible day in Wellington life might have taken a different path.

Maria Slade 21 Jul 2024
My Net Worth: Jodi O’Donnell, TVNZ chief executive
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My Net Worth: Jodi O’Donnell, TVNZ chief executive

She's all go, go, go, but loves to sit in a cafe alone, reading and thinking.

Victoria Young 14 Jul 2024
My Net Worth: Sean Sweeney, CEO, City Rail Link
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My Net Worth: Sean Sweeney, CEO, City Rail Link

From an epiphany in a waterfront bar to managing multibillion-dollar projects.

Oliver Lewis 07 Jul 2024
My Net Worth: Nick Becker, Auckland FC CEO
The Life

My Net Worth: Nick Becker, Auckland FC CEO

This football leader's credo is: Don’t let your default be "no".

Gregor Thompson 30 Jun 2024