On the Money: Hotchin's paper trail, Craigs' new faces, executive coffee and more

On the Money: Hotchin's paper trail, Craigs' new faces, executive coffee and more
What's up with Mark Hotchin? (Image: NZME)
Paul McBeth
The millennium bugThere is nothing that gets Justice Pheroze Jagose more wound up than the Ministry of Justice’s document handling system, as some found out this week.Justice Jagose, a sibling of solicitor general Una Jagose, presided over the week-long trial for a lawsuit Mark Hotchin brought against Premier Properties Developments (PPD) with regards to a property he bought in 2018.On the first day of the trial on Monday, PPD’s lawyer, Sarah Wroe, asked if she could put her one and only witness, PDD’s director Manilal Hari, t...

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