Going reasonably cheap: why KiwiSaver is a bargain (for members and government)

Going reasonably cheap: why KiwiSaver is a bargain (for members and government)
The FMA 2024 KiwiSaver data-mining project reveals the Government is getting a good deal on the retirement savings scheme. (Image: Getty)
David Chaplin
KiwiSaver had another not-unreasonable year, according to the latest Financial Markets Authority annual report on the sector.Just not quite as not unreasonable as the previous period, when the overall cost of KiwiSaver fell year-on-year in nominal terms for the first time, from $720 million to $660m.According to the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) report, scheme fees and expenses rose 19% to almost $790m over the 12 months to March 31 this year, but reasonably so on the back of bumper investment returns and contribution growth.Weighed against...

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