Tax cuts not the electoral boon they once were

Tax cuts not the electoral boon they once were
Karl Mokaraka interrupts Christopher Luxon (accompanied by local MP Simeon Brown) during an election campaign stop in Pakuranga last year. (Image: BusinessDesk)
Dileepa Fonseka
Hecklers have a knack for exposing the struggles of politicians.First, there was the relatively mild-mannered heckler Karl Mokaraka, who jumped onto a fence during an election campaign event in Pakuranga. National Party leader Christopher Luxon tried to dissuade Mokaraka from interrupting him by accusing him of not being enough of a “slim shady” because of his insistence that the real Luxon “stand up”. The future prime minister’s counter-insult seemingly made sense in Luxon’s head but not to anybody listening...

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