The bitter irony of the leaking Aussies

The bitter irony of the leaking Aussies
Breaking continuous disclosure rules – an accepted tactic in Aussie capital markets?
Pattrick Smellie
The most professionally satisfying journalism is original rather than spun from a widely distributed press statement or drummed up as a dreaded ‘matcher’ for someone else’s more brilliant work.It’s even better when the story counts as a scoop – a yarn that only you have because only you thought to go down a particular line of inquiry or because your great contacts volunteered a nugget without even being asked.Back in my youth as a cub reporter for the business pages of The Dominion – the early 80s – one...

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Nasdaq-listed Teradyne buys NZ's Quantifi Photonics

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Cloudy days ahead: Vista's new cinema deal

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NZ sharemarket lower after rout on Wall Street

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Primary Sector

Milking the Markets: Potential Mainland IPO taking shape

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