What Apple’s ploy to revive iPhone sales means for app developers

What Apple’s ploy to revive iPhone sales means for app developers
YouTuber Justine Ezarik, left, John Giannandrea, Apple's senior vice-president of machine learning and AI strategy, and Craig Federighi, senior vice-president of software engineering, take part in a discussion about AI. (Image: AP)
Peter Griffin
Apple’s belated move to go big on artificial intelligence, unveiled at its developers’ conference this week, is primarily designed to do one thing – boost flagging iPhone sales.The iPhone, after all, is central to Apple’s success and responsible for half of the company’s sales. But revenue from the iPhone has been declining for the past four quarters as people hold on to their devices for longer. Even Apple’s regular price hikes haven’t made up the lost ground. Apple needs something to breathe new life...

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