Each week, BusinessDesk and the NZ Herald’s Cooking the Books podcast tackles a different money problem. Today, it’s why scammers are on the rise, and how to stay ahead of them. Hosted by Frances Cook.

If you pride yourself on being great with money, and able to spot tricksters coming a mile off, I have bad news for you: you’re one of the people most at risk.

Scams, fraudsters and rip-off artists are everywhere right now, and it’s horrifying the number of people who are losing their hard-earned money to them.

One of the biggest dangers to being sucked in is thinking that you know all the tricks.

People with some money knowledge are actually more likely to get taken in.

That’s exactly what Nigel Latta learnt when he started researching for his new TV show about scammers.

And he had some first-hand knowledge of the damage that scammers can do after his mother-in-law lost thousands to them.

For the interview, listen to the podcast here.