Each week, BusinessDesk and the NZ Herald’s Cooking the Books podcast tackles a different money problem. Today, it’s a side hustle that could make you hundreds of dollars while only needing a few hours of your time. Hosted by Frances Cook.

Earning extra money on the side can be useful for all sorts of reasons, but it’s important to ensure it doesn’t soak up all your free time, and that it actually makes you money. 

After all, we don’t want to be working all hours of the day for very little return. 

One New Zealander has found selling items online, usually just using Facebook marketplace, to be very much worth her while. 

She spends about three hours a week listing items and monitoring her listings. 

For that, she can earn anywhere from a few hundred bucks to a thousand dollars. 

Not bad work, if you can get it. 

The best part is, she’s happy to share the secrets to her success with all of us. 

For the latest podcast, I talked to lifestyle influencer Sabby Jey.

For the interview, listen to the podcast here.

If you have a question about this podcast or a question you'd like answered in the next one, come and talk to me about it. I'm on Facebook here, Instagram here, and Twitter here.

Listen to the full interview on the Cooking the Books podcast. You can subscribe on iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.