1. What instantly recognisable New Zealand building was opened in 1997?
  2. In which English city were 22 people killed in a terrorist bombing at a concert by pop singer Ariana Grande?
  3. In the Olympic Games, what small country had the initials BRN?
  4. His first name was Henri and he founded a Swiss company that made powdered milk. What was his surname?
  5. Laithwaites is an international company that markets what?
  6. Madame Cholet and Great Uncle Bulgaria were characters in what children’s TV series?
  7. Which town is furthest north: Kaitaia, Kaikohe or Kerikeri?
  8. What American celebrity and socialite shares her first name with a European capital?
  9. What car maker produces models called the Cullinan and the Phantom?
  10. What brand of beer takes its name from a bird species with the Latin name prosthemadera novaeseelandiae?


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ANSWERS: 1. The Skytower; 2. Manchester; 3. Bahrain; 4. Nestlé; 5. Wine; 6. The Wombles; 7. Kaitaia; 8. Paris Hilton; 9. Rolls-Royce; 10. Tui.