1. Who was the central figure in the 2006 documentary film An Inconvenient Truth?
  2. In which Beatles hit did a fireman rush in from the pouring rain?
  3. In the TV series M*A*S*H, what was the first name of the character known as Hot Lips Houlihan?
  4. Which three countries still allow whale hunting?
  5. Which New Zealand author and historian wrote the landmark 1985 book Being Pakeha?
  6. What is the meaning of the word torpid: lukewarm, sluggish or sulky?
  7. Complete the title of a play by William Shakespeare: The Merry Wives of …
  8. What first name is shared by former All Blacks with the surnames Thorn and Johnstone?
  9. In the heyday of the vinyl records era, at what speed did single records rotate?
  10. You’ve Got a Friend in Me was the theme song from what popular animated movie of 1995?


Please scroll down for the answers: 

ANSWERS: 1. Former US vice-president Al Gore; 2. Penny Lane; 3. Margaret; 4. Iceland, Norway and Japan; 5. Michael King; 6. Sluggish; 7. Windsor; 8. Brad; 9. 45rpm; 10. Toy Story.