1. What 1972 hit song by Michael Jackson had a title consisting of a single male name?

2. What word can mean a premium wine, a lowest acceptable price or a piece of land protected against development?

3. The NZ company Miraka takes its name from the Māori word for what product?

4. What now-defunct make of American car was named after a 16th-century Spanish explorer?

5. Who was the oldest member of the original Rolling Stones?

6. What word meaning a sudden enlightenment is also the name of a Christian feast day commemorating the visit of the three wise men to the baby Jesus?

7. Taiaroa Head is at the entrance to what harbour?

8. In early 20th century America, what was a doughboy: a piece of furniture, a style of hat or a soldier in the US infantry?

9. In a song from the musical Paint Your Wagon, what did they call the wind?

10. Which country has the lowest rate of passport ownership: New Zealand, Canada or Australia?

Please scroll down for the answers:

ANSWERS: 1. Ben; 2. Reserve; 3. Milk; 4. DeSoto; 5. Bill Wyman; 6. Epiphany; 7. Otago Harbour; 8. A soldier; 9. Maria; 10. Australia.