1. Te Ahu a Turanga is the name given to a $620 million new road that will cross a range between which North Island regions?
  2. Which Beatle married a former Bond girl?
  3. What was Blue in the title of a 1963 hit song by Bobby Vinton and Black in the title of a 1989 hit song by Alannah Myles?
  4. What city is closest to the township of Okere Falls?
  5. Name the decade in which the accident compensation scheme was introduced, the poet James K Baxter died and Kiri Te Kanawa made her debut at Covent Garden.
  6. What expensive spice is harvested from the flower of the plant crocus sativus?
  7. Who sang Perfect Day, which became a hit two decades after its original release when it was used in the film Trainspotting?
  8. Who preceded Richie McCaw as captain of the All Blacks?
  9. What four-syllable word, usually used in a political context, is derived from a Latin term meaning to spread or disseminate?
  10. TSB Stadium is a sports and entertainment venue in which provincial NZ city?


Please scroll down for the answers: 

ANSWERS: 1. Manawatu and Tararua/Hawke’s Bay; 2. Ringo Starr; 3. Velvet; 4. Rotorua; 5. The 1970s; 6. Saffron; 7. Lou Reed; 8. Tana Umaga; 9. Propaganda; 10. New Plymouth.