1. Which is New Zealand’s most valuable fresh vegetable export: onions, sweet corn or squash?
  2. Which French impressionist was famous for his paintings of water lilies?
  3. The Italian city of Cremona is associated with the manufacture of what: crystal, high-performance cars or violins?
  4. What is the London Eye?
  5. In which film did Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall first star together: The African Queen, Casablanca or To Have and Have Not?
  6. What was Leni Riefenstahl’s role in Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime?
  7. What is a convocation: a large gathering, a vow of religious devotion or a military non-aggression pact?
  8. Before the euro, what country used a unit of currency called the drachma?
  9. Which former Cabinet minister was mayor of Auckland from 2001 to 2004 and again from 2007-2010?
  10.  In which famous London building would you find the Whispering Gallery?

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ANSWERS: 1. Onions; 2. Monet; 3. Violins; 4. A giant Ferris wheel; 5. To Have and Have Not; 6. She made propaganda films; 7. A large gathering; 8. Greece; 9. John Banks; 10. St Paul’s Cathedral.