1. Who was the Speaker of the NZ House of Representatives from 2017 till 2022?
  2. According to a famous quotation attributed to the American journalist H L Mencken, no one ever went broke under-estimating what?
  3. Picardy is a region in what country?
  4. What word of Latin origin means a pass awarded to a student who has been unable to sit examinations because of illness?
  5. Which two members of the original Rolling Stones are no longer living?
  6. An organisation with the initials WADA was established to control what aspect of international sport?
  7. Judds Road, the scene of a multiple murder in 1992, is in what NZ town?
  8. Their first names are Max and Stephie and they are the children of a famous New Zealander. What is their surname?
  9. Dion Nash represented New Zealand in what sport?
  10. What first name is shared by an NZ opera singer with the surname Pierard and an NZ actress with the surname Sami?


Please scroll down for answers:

ANSWERS: 1. Trevor Mallard; 2. The taste (some versions say “intelligence”) of the American public; 3. France; 4. Aegrotat; 5. Brian Jones and Charlie Watts; 6. Illicit drug taking; 7. Masterton; 8. Key; 9. Cricket; 10. Madeleine.