- What was the first name of the main female character in the TV sitcom Bewitched?
- The Norfolk Broads consist of what: hills, moors or lakes and rivers?
- Who is ranked third on the National party’s list of cabinet ministers, after Christopher Luxon and Nicola Willis?
- The Learjet 23, the world’s first business jet, was launched in what decade?
- Which can be in full spate: an illness, a river or the moon?
- What famous actor of the silent screen didn’t make his first “talkie” movie until 1940?
- The Aqua, reputedly NZ’s most commonly stolen car, is made by what manufacturer?
- What 2007 animated film took its name from a French vegetable stew?
- According to the latest estimates, which country has the world’s biggest population?
- What Japanese electronics company absorbed the brands National, Sanyo and Technics?
Please scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Samantha; 2. Lakes and rivers; 3. Chris Bishop; 4. The 1960s; 5. A river; 6. Charlie Chaplin; 7. Toyota; 8. Ratatouille; 9. India; 10. Panasonic.