1. What national supermarket chain originated in the Far North town of Kaitaia in 1985?
  2. Jahangir Khan was a six-time world champion in what sport?
  3. Which European country was ruled from 1967 to 1974 by a right-wing military regime known as the Colonels?
  4. In imperial measurements, how many pints were there in a gallon?
  5. The late Joseph Biden III, the oldest child of President Joe Biden, was known by what nickname?
  6. In Dr Seuss's story, Horton Hears a Who, what type of creature is Horton?
  7. What vegetable is the main ingredient in the traditional Jewish dish known as latke?
  8. In pantomime, what type of character is Pierrot?
  9. What two-word French phrase translates as “equal to” and means a young woman hired to help with housework and childcare?
  10. What was the nationality of the composer Jean Sibelius?

Please scroll down for the answers: 


ANSWERS: 1. Pak’nSave; 2. Squash; 3. Greece; 4. Eight; 5. Beau; 6. An elephant; 7. Potato; 8. A clown; 9. Au pair; 10. Finnish.