1. Scottish independence leader William Wallace was the main character in what hit film of 1995?
  2. A glottal stop affects what: speech, mobility or digestion?
  3. Labour Party MP Taito Philip Field’s political career ended in 2008 after he was charged with what rare offence?
  4. What word can precede whiskey, stew and moss?
  5. In old-fashioned department stores, the section devoted to household linen took its name from what English city?
  6. What is the meaning of turpitude: valour, integrity or wickedness?
  7. What country singer collaborated with rapper Lil Nas X on the 2019 record Old Town Road, which topped charts around the world?
  8. The runways of Sydney Airport extend into what bay?
  9. Which country is the world’s biggest producer of diamonds: Australia, South Africa or Russia?
  10. The words dexterous and sinister derive from the Latin terms for what opposites?

Please scroll down for the answers.

ANSWERS: 1. Braveheart; 2. Speech; 3. Corruption; 4. Irish; 5. Manchester; 6. Wickedness; 7. Billy Ray Cyrus; 8. Botany Bay; 9. Russia; 10. Right and left.