1. Name the year in which Lawrence of Arabia won the Oscar for best picture, the Beatles had their first No 1 hit and the first jet passenger service was launched between Auckland and London.
  2. Saxony is part of what country?
  3. In the words of a hit song by the Supremes (1966) and Phil Collins (1982), what can’t you hurry?
  4. In Scrabble, all vowels have the same value – true or false?
  5. After English, what is the most commonly spoken language in the US state of Louisiana?
  6. What word can precede whispers, checkers and burn?
  7. What is the surname of a prominent New Zealand horse racing family that produced a leading trainer named Dave and a champion jockey named Lance?
  8. Who played Ken in the 2023 hit movie Barbie?
  9. Which New Zealand university is home to the International Institute of Modern Letters?
  10. Sous vide is a technique used in what: cooking, photography or ballet?


Please scroll down for answers: 

ANSWERS: 1. 1963; 2. Germany; 3. Love; 4. True; 5. Spanish; 6. Chinese; 7. O’Sullivan; 8. Ryan Gosling; 9. Victoria University; 10. Cooking.