- The New Zealander Joseph Pawelka was famous for doing what: surviving a shipwreck, discovering gold or escaping from jail?
- Who would use a plectrum: a guitarist, a furniture maker or a painter?
- What famous winemaking region in South Australia took its name from the scene of a battle during the Napoleonic Wars?
- Great Uncle Bulgaria and Madame Cholet were characters in what children’s TV series?
- Trilogy is a New Zealand brand of what: skincare products, digital games or e-bikes?
- What word followed Blue, Bright and Ebony in the titles of hit songs by Elton John, Art Garfunkel and Bob Welch?
- Who said that to die would be an awfully big adventure: Peter Pan, Christopher Robin or Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz?
- What TV character boasted that he had a plan so cunning you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel?
- Which facial feature has the Latin name cilia: the lips, the nostrils or the eyelashes?
- From what language do we get the words parka, intelligentsia and pogrom?
Please scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Escaping from jail; 2. A guitarist; 3. The Barossa Valley; 4. The Wombles; 5. Skincare products; 6. Eyes; 7. Peter Pan; 8. Blackadder; 9. The eyelashes; 10. Russian.