- If you travelled the full length of Great Britain from the Scottish village of John O’Groats, what aptly named place in Cornwall would you end up at?
- Linseed oil is extracted from what plant?
- What actress from the Golden Age of Hollywood was named in the title of a 1981 hit song by Kim Carnes?
- An otolaryngologist specialises in which parts of the body?
- What international sportswear brand name starts with a lowercase letter?
- From what language do we get the words vigilante, patio and flotilla?
- What first name is shared by a singer with the surname Vedder, a comedian with the surname Izzard and a keyboard player with the surname Rayner?
- Would you eat, grow or play with a squishmallow?
- Which country has the world’s largest population of wild camels: Saudi Arabia, Sudan or Australia?
- Langkawi is an island in what country?
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Please scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Land’s End; 2. Flax; 3. Bette Davis; 4. Ear, nose and throat; 5. adidas; 6. Spanish; 7. Eddie; 8. Play with it (it’s a toy); 9. Australia; 10. Malaysia.