1. British actress Jodie Whittaker was the 13th person to play what TV character?
  2. What first name links men with the surnames Borge, Hugo and Mature?
  3. Who recorded the 1999 album White Ladder, which stayed on the British pop chart for nearly three years?
  4. “Noble rot” is a fungus that affects what fruit?
  5. American brothers Bobby and Cecil Womack became famous as what: bank robbers, singers or baseball players?
  6. Columbia University is located in which American city?
  7. What did an Iraqi journalist throw at President George W Bush during a Baghdad press conference in 2008?
  8. The Stanley Cup is the premiere trophy in what American professional sport?
  9. The pasta known as conchiglie is shaped to resemble what: bowties, seashells or corkscrews?
  10. In American money, which is worth most: a nickel, a dime or a quarter?


Please scroll down for the answers: 

ANSWERS: 1. Doctor Who; 2. Victor; 3. David Gray; 4. Grapes; 5. Singers; 6. New York; 7. His shoes; 8. Ice hockey; 9. Seashells; 10. A quarter.