1. The ruins of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which exploded in 1986, are in what country?
  2. In Britain, who or what is known as the Old Bill?
  3. The prime minister’s office is on which floor of the Beehive: the 5th, the 9th or the 11th?
  4. The 42km-wide La Perouse Strait separates Japan from which country: South Korea, Taiwan or Russia?
  5. Canoeist Dame Lisa Carrington was born in which decade?
  6. The Australian Wolf Blass became famous as what: a painter, a winemaker or an ultra-distance runner?
  7. Who’s the oldest: Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney or Rod Stewart?
  8. Prior to Joe Biden, who was the last serving US president to stand down rather than contest another election?
  9. Which two track and field events require competitors to launch themselves from a take-off board?
  10. In Gulliver’s Travels, what was unusual about the inhabitants of a land called Brobdingnab?


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ANSWERS: 1. Ukraine; 2. The police; 3. The 9th; 4. Russia; 5. The 1980s; 6. A winemaker; 7. Paul McCartney; 8. Lyndon Johnson; 9. The long jump and triple jump; 10. They were giants.