1. What NZ country singer recorded a duet in 2022 with Willie Nelson?
  2. Where in Asia would you find places named Aberdeen, Stanley, Repulse Bay and The Peak?
  3. “Critter” is an American variant of what English word?
  4. The bacterium called helicobacter pylori causes what common stomach ailment?
  5. What celebrity couple first met at an avant-garde art gallery in London in November 1966?
  6. What major sporting event has taken place in Boston every April since 1897?
  7. What hit rom-com of 1999 took its name from an inner-city district of London?
  8. Who said, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”: Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte or Winston Churchill?
  9. Who is the deputy leader of the NZ Labour Party?
  10. Which Hollywood star lived to 103: Kirk Douglas, Bob Hope or Katharine Hepburn?

Scroll down for answers: 


ANSWERS: 1. Tami Neilson; 2. Hong Kong; 3. Creature; 4. Stomach ulcers; 5. John Lennon and Yoko Ono; 6. The Boston Marathon; 7. Notting Hill; 8. Napoleon Bonaparte; 9. Carmel Sepuloni; 10. Kirk Douglas.