- Who was New Zealand’s first baby-boomer prime minister: Mike Moore, Helen Clark or David Lange?
- Bulawayo is a city in what country?
- Which Hawke’s Bay winery, established by Catholic priests in 1851, describes itself as the birthplace of NZ wine?
- Which Scottish city is associated with marmalade?
- In Japanese cuisine, what main ingredient is most often used in karaage-style cooking?
- What is the meaning of the word largesse: obesity, generosity or arrogance?
- “From the coal mines of Kentucky to the California sun” is a line from what classic song?
- What TV detective drove a battered Peugeot convertible?
- New Zealander Eric Murray won six consecutive world championship gold medals in what sport?
- What actor played a famous movie character named Gordon Gekko?
Please scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. Mike Moore; 2. Zimbabwe; 3. Mission Estate; 4. Dundee; 5. Chicken; 6. Generosity; 7. Me and Bobby McGee; 8. Columbo; 9. Rowing; 10. Michael Douglas.