1. Who was New Zealand’s first baby-boomer prime minister: Mike Moore, Helen Clark or David Lange?
  2. Bulawayo is a city in what country?
  3. Which Hawke’s Bay winery, established by Catholic priests in 1851, describes itself as the birthplace of NZ wine?
  4. Which Scottish city is associated with marmalade?
  5. In Japanese cuisine, what main ingredient is most often used in karaage-style cooking?
  6. What is the meaning of the word largesse: obesity, generosity or arrogance?
  7. “From the coal mines of Kentucky to the California sun” is a line from what classic song?
  8. What TV detective drove a battered Peugeot convertible?
  9. New Zealander Eric Murray won six consecutive world championship gold medals in what sport?
  10. What actor played a famous movie character named Gordon Gekko?


Please scroll down for the answers: 

ANSWERS: 1. Mike Moore; 2. Zimbabwe; 3. Mission Estate; 4. Dundee; 5. Chicken; 6. Generosity; 7. Me and Bobby McGee; 8. Columbo; 9. Rowing; 10. Michael Douglas.