1.  Humans share what proportion of their genes with chimpanzees: 92, 96 or 99%?
  2.  What is the meaning of lugubrious: unfriendly, sorrowful or ingratiating?
  3.  Psychiatrist Dr Hinemoa Elder was the partner of what prominent New Zealander?
  4.  Which US city has the highest proportion of people with Irish ancestry: Boston, Chicago or New York?
  5.  The American writer Philip K Dick specialised in what literary genre?
  6.  What word starting with “s” describes open grassland and scrub country in Africa?
  7.  What boy racer stunt takes its name from the circular skid-mark pattern it leaves on the road?
  8.  Chet is an abbreviation of what male name?
  9.  In what 1969 hit song did the singer address someone named Marie-Claire?
  10. What type of wine takes its name from the Portuguese island in the North Atlantic where it originated?


Scroll down for the answers:


ANSWERS: 1. 99 percent; 2. Sorrowful; 3. Paul Holmes; 4. Boston; 5. Science fiction; 6. Savannah; 7. The doughnut; 8. Chester; 9. Where Do You Go To, My Lovely; 10. Madeira.