- Humans share what proportion of their genes with chimpanzees: 92, 96 or 99%?
- What is the meaning of lugubrious: unfriendly, sorrowful or ingratiating?
- Psychiatrist Dr Hinemoa Elder was the partner of what prominent New Zealander?
- Which US city has the highest proportion of people with Irish ancestry: Boston, Chicago or New York?
- The American writer Philip K Dick specialised in what literary genre?
- What word starting with “s” describes open grassland and scrub country in Africa?
- What boy racer stunt takes its name from the circular skid-mark pattern it leaves on the road?
- Chet is an abbreviation of what male name?
- In what 1969 hit song did the singer address someone named Marie-Claire?
- What type of wine takes its name from the Portuguese island in the North Atlantic where it originated?
Scroll down for the answers:
ANSWERS: 1. 99 percent; 2. Sorrowful; 3. Paul Holmes; 4. Boston; 5. Science fiction; 6. Savannah; 7. The doughnut; 8. Chester; 9. Where Do You Go To, My Lovely; 10. Madeira.