1. What All Black was nicknamed the Paekakariki Express?
  2. What did Howard Hawks, Billy Wilder, Milos Forman and Sidney Lumet do for a living?
  3. The French phrase “Ouvrez la porte” means what in English?
  4. “Is there anybody going to listen to my story?” is the first line of a song by what band?
  5. Malic acid takes its name from the Latin word for what fruit?
  6. Malcolm, Banquo and Hecate are characters in which play by William Shakespeare?
  7. Rai Valley, Spring Creek and the Wither Hills are in what New Zealand region?
  8. In which decade did Australian cricketer Trevor Chappell controversially (but legally) bowl underarm to NZ batter Brian McKechnie?
  9. The NZ company Tatua manufactures what?
  10. New Zealand judge Peter Mahon used the damning phrase “an orchestrated litany of lies” in relation to what event?


Scroll down for the answers : 

ANSWERS: 1. Christian Cullen; 2. They were film directors; 3. Open the door; 4. The Beatles; 5. Apples; 6. Macbeth; 7. Marlborough; 8. The 1980s; 9. Dairy products; 10. The Mt Erebus disaster.