1. What state highway runs from Pokeno, south of Auckland, to Wellington via Tauranga, Napier and Masterton?
  2. What racecourse is the venue for the Melbourne Cup?
  3. In New Zealand parlance, what is the meaning of the American expression “on the fritz”: on the dole, on the blink, or on the run?
  4. Freixenet is a popular brand of wine from what country?
  5. In the NZ government, which ministerial position is the equivalent of Britain’s Home Secretary?
  6. Something purchased without proof of its quality is known as a pig in a what?
  7. What common pastoral weed has a bright yellow flower and is considered a pest because it’s poisonous to cows?
  8. Who or what are Chapman Tripp, Simpson Grierson and Buddle Findlay?
  9. Eileen Regina Twain, born in Ontario, Canada in 1965, became better known by what name?
  10. Does a bustard have flowers, feathers or fur?

Please scroll down for the answers.

ANSWERS: 1. State Highway 2; 2. Flemington; 3. On the blink; 4. Spain; 5. The Minister of Internal Affairs; 6. Poke; 7. Ragwort; 8. Law firms; 9. Shania Twain; 10. Feathers.