Briscoe Group

The company's beginnings date from 1862 when the first Briscoes warehouse and store was opened in Dunedin, by William Briscoe & Son. Australian and NZ operations were purchased by Merbank Corporation of Australia in 1973, and following extensive rationalisation, by Hagemeyer in 1977. Following several years of losses, the business was acquired by CEO Rod Duke, in 1990. Stock exchange listing followed a public issue of 40m shares at $1 each in November 2001.

By 2008, Briscoe Group Limited's retailing interests totalled 57 homeware stores and 32 sporting goods stores.

Company Details

Registered Office: 1 Taylors Road, Morningside, Auckland 1025
Postal Address: PO Box 884, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140
Telephone: +64 9 815 3737
Facsimile: +64 9 815 3738
First Listed: 14/12/2001
Balance Date: 30 January
AGM: 18/05/2023

Directors and Executives

Tony Batterton
Independent Non-Executive Director
Mark Callaghan
Independent Non-Executive Director
Andy Coupe
Independent Non-Executive Director
Rodney Duke
Managing Director
Dame Rosanne Meo
Independent Chairman
Andrew Scott
Chief Operating Officer
Geoff Scowcroft
Company Secretary


Title Date Type
Results of Briscoe Group Limited Annual Shareholder Meeting Thu, May 16 2024 12:43 pm MEETING
Addresses to Annual Meeting 16 May 2024 Thu, May 16 2024 10:04 am MEETING
Disclosure Notice Wed, May 08 2024 04:17 pm SHINTR
1st Quarter Sales to 28 April 2024 Tue, May 07 2024 09:07 am MKTUPDTE
Annual Shareholders Meeting Tue, Apr 09 2024 09:37 am MEETING
Annual Report Tue, Apr 09 2024 09:32 am ANNREP
BGP - Confirmation of Compliance with NZX Listing Rules Fri, Mar 22 2024 08:57 am GENERAL
Disclosure Notice Wed, Mar 20 2024 12:50 pm SHINTR
Lapse of Performance Rights Fri, Mar 15 2024 11:08 am GENERAL
Disclosure Notices Fri, Mar 15 2024 11:03 am SHINTR

Major Holdings Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Current
16/01/19 Alaister John Wall 172,328,656 78.79 77.77
12/10/16 R A Duke, D N Dass and A J Wall as 170,081,138 78.25 77.55

Director’s Interests Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Details Other
03/05/22 Geoffrey Peter Scowcrof 953,056 - - -
08/06/20 Rodney Adrian Duke - - - -
22/11/18 Peter William Burilin 540,839 - - -
28/09/18 Anthony David Batterton 20,000 - - -
26/10/17 Mary Monica Devine 10,000 - - -
29/03/17 Richard Andrew Coupe 10,000 - - -

Analysts’ Forecasts

No forecasts available


Data on this page is from BusinessDesk and NZX Ltd for information purposes only. Details are believed to be accurate but no warranty is given as to accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. No person should rely on the contents of the report and all persons should obtain independent professional advice before acting on any information connected with or contained in this report.
Last Updated: 11/10/2023

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