
Sanford is an operator of fisheries, trawler operations, ship builders, aquaculture. The company's origins go back to the 1880s and in 1904 Albert Sanford incorporated Sanford Ltd. The group's resources are committed almost entirely to the inshore and deep-water fisheries of NZ, and allied operations of coolstores, shipbuilding, engineering and aquaculture.

Company Details

Registered Office: PO Box 443, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140
Postal Address: PO Box 443, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140
Telephone: +64 9 379 4720
Facsimile: +64 9 309 1190
First Listed: 08/12/1960
Balance Date: 30 September
AGM: 18/12/2023

Directors and Executives

Paul Alston
Chief Financial Officer
Craig Ellison
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
David Mair
Independent Non-Executive Director
Robert McLeod
John Strowger
Non-Executive Director


Title Date Type
Sanford announces an improved half year result Wed, May 29 2024 08:30 am HALFYR
Interim results announcement date Thu, May 16 2024 08:30 am GENERAL
David Mair appointed as Sanford CEO Wed, May 01 2024 08:30 am ADMIN
AMENDED - SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Limited Tue, Mar 12 2024 04:35 pm SHINTR
SPH Notice - ANZ New Zealand Limited Fri, Mar 08 2024 03:07 pm SHINTR
Ongoing Disclosure Notice Thu, Feb 29 2024 04:01 pm SHINTR
Sanford Appoints Independent Director Mon, Feb 19 2024 08:30 am ADMIN
Initial Disclosure Notice Fri, Dec 22 2023 11:32 am SHINTR
Ongoing Disclosure Notice Tue, Dec 19 2023 10:29 am SHINTR
Results of 2023 Annual Shareholder Meeting Mon, Dec 18 2023 04:21 pm MEETING

Major Holdings Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Current
14/12/23 Tasman Equity Holdings Limited (Tas 14,060,072 14.51 15.04
17/11/22 Amalgamated Dairies Ltd 1,235,787 6.01 1.32
14/03/22 Masfen Securities Limited 7,046,201 6.30 7.50
02/09/21 Ngāi Tahu Holdings Corporation Limi 18,607,721 12.56 19.90
02/09/21 Ngāi Tahu Investments Limited 18,557,721 12.51 19.85
13/11/20 Jarden Securities Limited and Harbo 4,663,159 5.16 4.99
10/11/20 Harbour Asset Management Limited 4,165,665 7.83 4.46
21/09/20 Forsyth Barr Investment Management 4,621,468 5.56 4.94
22/08/18 Avalon Investment Trust Ltd 3,500,000 8.18 3.74
17/08/18 Jarden Partners Limited. 5,940,362 5.02 6.35
11/10/17 Paul Gerard Keeling and Edgar Willi - 24.32 -
24/03/17 Maruha Nichiro Corporation 4,885,231 - 5.22

Director’s Interests Announcements

Date Name No. Held % Details Other
22/12/23 William John Strowger 22,500 - - -
08/12/23 Robert McLeod 41,225 - - -
22/11/22 Paul John Alston 7,373 - - -
18/11/22 Peter Reidie 43,750 - - -
08/11/22 David Mair 31,000 - - -
12/08/22 Craig Raniera Ellison 1,000 - - -
23/11/21 Mark Cairns 50,000 - - -
22/11/21 Fiona Mackenzie 2,000 - - -
26/02/21 Katherine Turner 5,000 - - -
18/11/20 Peter Kean 25,000 - - -
24/01/20 Volker Kuntzsch 43,877 - - -
16/12/19 Peter Goodfellow 277,200 - - -
14/02/19 Peter Cullinane 12,000 - - -
15/02/18 R.A McLeod 8,500 - - -
09/02/18 Abigail Foote 12,000 - - -

Analysts’ Forecasts

profit2021 profit2022 eps2021 dps2021 sales2021 ebit2021 ebitda2021
mean 29.6 31.7 14.5 544.9 57.0 92.7
high 29.6 31.7 14.5 544.9 57.0 92.7
low 29.6 31.7 14.5 544.9 57.0 92.7
sample 1 0 1 1 1 1 1


Data on this page is from BusinessDesk and NZX Ltd for information purposes only. Details are believed to be accurate but no warranty is given as to accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. No person should rely on the contents of the report and all persons should obtain independent professional advice before acting on any information connected with or contained in this report.
Last Updated: 06/12/2023

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