Tasmania, and how megaprojects can setback dreams

Dileepa Fonseka: Tasmania, and how megaprojects can setback dreams

Few things are more demoralising for society than not being able to power itself.

Dileepa Fonseka 14 Aug 2023
Hipkins adds to climate confusion with $2b BlackRock fund

Dileepa Fonseka: Hipkins adds to climate confusion with $2b BlackRock fund

There is some bafflement over what the govt's climate policy is.

Dileepa Fonseka 09 Aug 2023
Cash for Candidates: How to spend it
Politics Cash for Candidates

Cash for Candidates: How to spend it

NZ deals with money in politics by trying to target the 'demand' side of things.

Dileepa Fonseka 08 Aug 2023
Finally, something is finished

Dileepa Fonseka: Finally, something is finished

Here is a project, started and completed within the term of this Labour government.

Dileepa Fonseka 07 Aug 2023