Rubber meets the road on NZ-EU free trade deal

Rubber meets the road on NZ-EU free trade deal

EU ambassador plans “high-energy” push for more trade between Europe and NZ.

Dileepa Fonseka 17 May 2024
Work visa numbers drop by more than 50% year-on-year

Work visa numbers drop by more than 50% year-on-year

High net migration numbers are starting to turn thanks to a slowing economy.

Dileepa Fonseka 15 May 2024
Migrant inflow slows, outflow makes records

Migrant inflow slows, outflow makes records

New Zealanders are leaving in greater numbers and inward non-NZ migration is slowing down.

Dileepa Fonseka 14 May 2024
Inflation outpaces Auckland housing

Inflation outpaces Auckland housing

Prices trail inflation, especially in Auckland, while listings soar in Wellington.

Dileepa Fonseka 14 May 2024