Of cheap money, bellboys' stock tips and caveat emptor

Of cheap money, bellboys' stock tips and caveat emptor

The outlook for share markets in 2021 appears bright because of cheap money but multiples are stretched.

Jenny Ruth 28 Dec 2020
NorthWest's return to NZ's wild west

Jenny Ruth: NorthWest's return to NZ's wild west

The strong performance of Vital Healthcare Property Trust is now excuse for its manager's behaviour.

Jenny Ruth 26 Dec 2020
PFI's Avondale purchase highlights hot industrial property market

PFI's Avondale purchase highlights hot industrial property market

The covid-19 pandemic accelerated the trend towards online shopping, revved up demand for warehousing to service such retail purchases and is driving up the price of industrial property.

Jenny Ruth 24 Dec 2020
Some of us blew $60.8 billion on houses in 11 months
Property Free

Some of us blew $60.8 billion on houses in 11 months

Translating the rise in house prices in the 11 months ended November into aggregate data produces an eye-watering $60.8 billion spend.

Jenny Ruth 23 Dec 2020