T&G Global, the 125-year-old New Zealand-based fresh produce company, has reported an after-tax loss of $0.9 million for the year ending 31 December 2022, compared to the prior year’s $13.6 million profit.

This was largely due to the impacts of the third season of COVID-19 harvest and supply chain disruptions, rising labour and input costs, and the impact of quality issues in some of the New Zealand Envy™ crop.

Revenue for the year was $1.30 billion, $70 million down on the previous year.

Despite this difficult year, the Company’s total equity grew 1% to $580.2 million from the prior year’s $573.6 million.

T&G Global is confident that its response to the Envy™ quality issue protected the value of the brand and customer and consumer confidence in it, and is focused on building the strong foundations needed to accelerate the growth strategy.

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