Downer has reported a 34% increase in pro forma earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation of $384.1 million for the 2024 financial year.

The company also achieved a pro forma ebitda margin growth of 0.7 percentage points to 3.3%.

Downer's solid financial performance was attributed to the return of the utilities business to profitability, improved margin growth in the facilities business, progress on the cost reduction programme, and the delivery of cash-backed profits.

The company's statutory net profit after tax (Npat) for the year was $82.1m.

Downer's board has declared a final dividend of 11 cents per share, representing a 30.8% increase from the previous year.

The company's work-in-hand remained robust at $38.5b, with a 1% increase over the prior period.

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