Meridian Energy's hydro storage levels have declined, with national storage dropping to 93% of the historical average by March 11 2024.

South Island storage is now at 87% of average, while North Island storage stands at 140% of average.

Inflows for February 2024 were at 94% of the historical average, but Waiau catchment inflows exceeded expectations at 149% of average.

Water storage in Meridian's Waitaki catchment was lower at 85% of the historical average.

The company also noted a 7.1% increase in national electricity demand in February 2024, compared to the same month last year.

Meanwhile, New Zealand Aluminium Smelter had an average load of 580MW.

Meridian's retail sales volumes for February 2024 saw a significant growth of 9.6% compared to February 2023, with sales increasing across various segments.

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