Meridian Energy Limited's monthly operating report for August 2023 shows a decrease in national hydro storage from 106% to 83% of the historical average.

South Island storage decreased to 87% of average and North Island storage decreased to 68% of average.

Meridian's total inflows for August were 84% of the historical average, with Waiau catchment inflows at 102% of average.

Waitaki catchment water storage was at 107% of average, and snow storage in the Waitaki catchment was at 90% of average in early September.

Water storage in the Waiau catchment was at 106% of average at the end of August.

National electricity demand in August 2023 was 4.5% higher than the same month last year.

August 2023 was the coldest August in seven years, with below-average temperatures and below-average rainfall in parts of New Zealand.

The New Zealand Aluminium Smelter had an average load of 568MW in August 2023.

Meridian's retail sales volumes in August 2023 were 4.1% higher than August 2022, with increases in sales across various segments.

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