SkyCity Adelaide has been granted special leave to appeal a judgement on a casino duty dispute to the High Court of Australia.

The dispute relates to the interpretation of the Adelaide Casino Duty Agreement and the treatment of loyalty points converted to gaming machine play for the calculation of casino duty.

A full hearing of the appeal will be conducted by the High Court later this year.

The decision of the High Court could either confirm the interpretation adopted by the Court of Appeal or determine a different interpretation.

The question of the applicable interest rate for outstanding duty will be determined by a single judge of the Supreme Court at a later date.

If the Supreme Court's decision is unfavourable to SkyCity Adelaide and the appeal is unsuccessful, the company may be required to pay penalty interest of up to around $22.8 million.

If the appeal is successful but the application regarding penalty interest is unsuccessful, the amount of penalty interest would be reduced to up to around $2.4 million.

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