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NZ dollar surges to 4-year high vs. yen as Japan’s LDP sweeps to victory

NZ dollar surges to 4-year high vs. yen as Japan’s LDP sweeps to victory

Dec. 17 (BusinessDesk) – The New Zealand dollar rose to a four-year high against the yen after Japan’s Liberal Democratic party swept to power, mustering enough support to enact sweeping economic reforms and weaken the currency. The kiwi dollar jumped to 71.33 yen, the highest...

16 Dec 2012
NZ economy probably slowed in third quarter, but did it stall

NZ economy probably slowed in third quarter, but did it stall

Dec. 17 (BusinessDesk) – New Zealand economic growth probably slowed in the third quarter, as retail spending fell and agricultural production eased from its first-half highs, offsetting a strong pickup in construction activity. Gross domestic product grew 0.5 percent in the th...

16 Dec 2012
World Week Ahead Edging closer to the cliff

World Week Ahead Edging closer to the cliff

By Margreet Dietz Dec. 17 (BusinessDesk) – The clock is ticking ever more rapidly as a budget deal between US Democrats and Republicans remains elusive, with less than two weeks before about $US600 billion of tax increases and spending cuts take effect, potentially pushing the...

16 Dec 2012