Who runs NZ?
Arron Judson
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Arron Judson


General manager, marketing and partnerships

  • Previously at the University of Auckland as director for the Centre of Software Innovation and ICT sector innovation manager.
  • Is a co-founder and current director of Astrolab.
  • Was general manager and founder of SmallScreen, vice president Asia-Pacific for GeoVector, regional manager Asia for Ericsson Wireless Internet Services, and national technical manager for Toshiba.


Astrolab Limited
Co Founder/Director
Jul 2014 - Present
General Manager Marketing and Partnerships
Nov 2017 - Present
Member of Investment Committee
Feb 2018 - Present
The Industry 4.0 Accelerator (i4)
Founding Partner
Feb 2020 - Present
No Trace Waste
Strategic Advisor
Mar 2021 - Present

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