Who runs NZ?
Brett Gliddon
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Brett Gliddon

New Zealand Transport Agency / Waka Kotahi

General manager, transport services

  • Appointed to Transit NZ before it merged with Land Transport NZ to become Waka Kotahi/NZ Transport Agency.
  • Civil engineer with more than 18 years’ experience in infrastructure planning, design and delivery, including maintenance and operations.
  • Involved in some of NZ’s largest infrastructure projects including the Northern Busway project, the Northern Gateway Toll Road project (NZ’s first electronic toll road), the Waterview Tunnel project and the Te Ara I Whiti (Lightpath) cycleway.


New Zealand Transport Agency / Waka Kotahi
General Manager Transport Services, General Manager System Design and Delivery, Senior Manager System Design, Highway Manager - Auckland / Northland, Highway Manager - Tauranga
Aug 2011 - Present

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