Who runs NZ?
John Greenhough
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John Greenhough

Crown Infrastructure Partners

Chief technology officer

  • Appointed May 2010.
  • Previously head of technology strategy at Telecom NZ, director of networks for large business and residential ISPs in Australia and NZ, head of networks for Australian carrier AAPT, and various engineering and architectural roles in Telecom NZ.
  • As an engineer and project manager, has been at the leading edge of telecommunication technology implementation in NZ including internet service providers, intelligent networks and ISDN.


Director of Networks
Jan 2000 - Dec 2003
Head of Networks
Jan 2003 - Dec 2005
Consulting Engineer
Nov 2007 - Nov 2009
Head of Technology Strategy
Nov 2009 - May 2010
Crown Fibre Holdings
Chief Technology Officer
May 2010 - Present

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