Who runs NZ?
Karl Le Quesne
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Karl Le Quesne

Department of Internal Affairs / Te Tari Taiwhenua

Deputy chief executive, organisational strategy and performance

  • Appointed director, office of the chief executive, in June 2017.
  • Previously acting deputy secretary early learning and student achievement at the Ministry of Education.
  • Held a range of jobs in the Ministry of Education over 17 years, working with ministers, cabinet committees, and senior leaders in the education system
  • Has worked at Corrections and the Ministry of Justice.
  • Responsibilities include organisational strategy and planning, enterprise portfolio management, governance, risk and assurance legal services, machinery of government positioning and Crown-Māori relations.


Department of Internal Affairs / Te Tari Taiwhenua
Deputy Chief Executive, Organisational Strategy and Performance, Deputy Chief Executive
Jun 2017 - Present

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