Who runs NZ?
Kevin Lampen-Smith
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Kevin Lampen-Smith

Worksafe / Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa

General manager, external strategy and engagement

  • Appointed May 2020.
  • Chief executive and registrar at the Real Estate Authority for eight years. Long public sector regulatory experience.
  • Chartered accountant with experience in senior government roles, including at the Electricity Authority, its predecessor the Electricity Commission, and Heritage NZ.


Real Estate Authority
Chief Executive, Chief Executive
Feb 2012 - May 2020
CARITAS Aotearoa New Zealand
Board member
Mar 2014 - Present
Board of Proprietors, St Catherine's College
Board Chair
Aug 2019 - Present
Downtown Community Ministry
Board chair
Nov 2019 - Present
Worksafe / Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa
General Manager External Strategy and Engagement
May 2020 - Present

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