Who runs NZ?
Kirstie Hewlett
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Kirstie Hewlett

Maritime NZ / Nō te rere moana Aotearoa

Chief executive

  • Appointed May 2021.
  • Previously deputy chief executive, system and regulatory design, Ministry of Transport
  • Earlier leadership roles at WorkSafe NZ, MBIE, and the Ministry of Economic Development.
  • Career highlights include health and safety, labour market, and financial sector reforms, establishing WorkSafe NZ, design of the Ultra-Fast Broadband initiative, and improving public sector regulation and systems.
  • Also designed and implemented an international air freight scheme during covid-19.


Ministry of Economic Development
Director, Energy and Communications Branch
Aug 2010 - Dec 2012
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment / Hīkina Whakatutuki
General Manager, Labour Environment
Jan 2013 - Dec 2015
Worksafe / Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa
General Manager, Strategy and Performance
Jan 2015 - Sep 2017
Ministry of Transport / Te Manatū Waka
Deputy Chief Executve, System and Regulatory Design
Oct 2017 - Present
Maritime NZ / Nō te rere moana Aotearoa
Director and Chief Executive
May 2021 - Present

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