Who runs NZ?
Margie Apa
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Margie Apa

World Vision of New Zealand Trust Board


  • CEO for Counties Manukau DHB. Trusteee of Presbyterian Support Northern.


World Vision of New Zealand Trust Board
Department of Labour, New Zealand
Senior Analyst, Labour Market Policy Group
May 2000 - Jun 2001
Capital & Coast DHB
Manager, Pacific Health, Planning & Funding
Jul 2001 - Jun 2003
Counties Manukau DHB
General Manager, Pacific Health
Jun 2003 - Feb 2007
Ministry of Health/Manatū Hauora
Deputy Director General, Sector Capability & Implementation
Feb 2007 - Feb 2012
CEO, Director - Population Health and Strategy
Counties Manukau Health
Feb 2012 - Jan 1970

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