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Marilyn Little
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Marilyn Little

Department of Internal Affairs / Te Tari Taiwhenua

Deputy chief executive, Toi Hiranga Regulation and Policy

  • Appointed October 2017. Previously chief archivist/general manager of Archives NZ, general manager of the policy group, and director local government and community policy. Has held senior roles in the Office of the Auditor-General and the Department of Labour. Has completed the Leadership Development Centre’s advanced leadership programme, and holds a Master of Public Policy and a BA (Hons) in history.


Controller and Auditor General / Tumuaki o te Mana Arotake
Sector Manager
Jun 2005 - Sep 2006
Department of Internal Affairs / Te Tari Taiwhenua
Deputy Chief Executive Policy, Regulation and Communities, DCE Policy Regulatory & Ethnic Affairs
Jul 2017 - Present
Moths and Butterflies of NZ Trust
Mar 2019 - Present

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