Who runs NZ?
Nic Blakeley
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Nic Blakeley

Ministry of Social Development / Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora

Deputy chief executive, strategy and insights

  • Appointed April 2017 as DCE of the insights and investment group, renamed strategy and insights in October 2019.
  • Previously deputy chief executive social policy from 2013.
  • Worked at Treasury for almost 10 years in policy areas, including a period as economic advisor to the Minister of Finance.
  • Has degrees in electrical engineering and commerce from Canterbury University.


The Treasury / Te Tai Ōhanga
Manager, Senior Analyst / Analyst
Feb 2004 - Aug 2013
Ministry of Social Development / Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora
Deputy Chief Executive, Strategy and Insights, Deputy Chief Executive, Social Policy
Sep 2013 - Present

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