Who runs NZ?
Pete Hodgson
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Pete Hodgson

Callaghan Innovation


  • Former cabinet minister 1999-2008.
  • Governing portfolios included research, science and technology, economic development, and commerce.
  • Previously chief executive of Otago Investment Limited, responsible for supporting University of Otago researchers in developing and commercialising intellectual property.
  • NZ independent chair with the Australia and NZ Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching.
  • Has a Bachelor's in veterinary science from Massey University and a Master’s in public policy (with distinction) from Victoria University.


Hocken Library
Executive member, the friends of the Hocken collection
Jan 2012 - Present
NZ Independent Chair
Jan 2012 - Present
Otago Innovation Limited
Board member and Chair advisory committee, Chief Executive Officer
Apr 2014 - Present
Southern Partnership Group, New Dunedin Hospital
Nov 2017 - Present
Callaghan Innovation
Apr 2018 - Present

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